Salt For Desserts is Kaite Murphy's one-woman noise project in which she only uses Death By Audio pedals. And by only we don't mean to say she's brand exclusive, we mean to say that's
all she used to make sounds, just 8 DBA pedals hooked up to a Total Sonic Annihilation recorded direct- no guitars, no mics, no synths, no kazoos. Just pure signal degeneration, oscillation, and infinite feedback loops controlled by switches, knobs, signal path manipulation, and occasionally light sensors. Half the pedals used were garden variety boxes, such as the Interstellar Overdriver Deluxe and the Super Sonic Fuzz Gun, while others were more exotic one-offs, such as the Wave Destroyer and the Fuzz Fuzz Fuzz.
Multi-tracked and mixed in a kitchen by Joe Kelly, these two audio explorations are available to download for for free FOREVER. Salt For Desserts may be used for erasing memories, background music for your favorite video games, or setting the mood on your porch for Halloween. It could be the music the first robot will hear when it discovers its own conscience or it could sound like a 100-foot mosquito hovering in the middle of an 8-bit motocross race. Take the candy.
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