From the mighty Shiny Grey Monotone / Colostomy Grab Bag community comes this nice, declaratory review:--------------------------------"Reception / Hussies At Bay
And so it begins. The transistion out of Post-Post-Post-Punk into Re Grunge (that being groups emulating the Sub-Pop / Am Rep pre-Nevermind era - not to be confused with 'Post-Grunge', that's, like, Creed or some shit). And you really couldn't ask for a better spearhead. Tickling the new wavers with occasional drum machines and moments ofCure-ish pop before slamming into the full on Nirvana - Bleach / Cherubs - Icing sludge rock, they remind the kids of what their parents were likely blasting while they were shitting a diaper, and send their parents (us) into nodding approval - yes, this is how you do it. Memorable and catchy, noisy and edgy. The main difference here is instead of using Black Sabbath, Void and Pixies as their main starting points of reference, it's Nirvana, Melvins and Joy Division
Currently signed to Death By Audio Records (who also make the most fucked effect pedals on earth and are headed up by Oliver Ackermann of A Place To Bury Strangers) they've actually been releasing their new album, 'Hussies At Bay' as it's being recorded, as well as their first EP Reception (aka So Far) - so this is totally legit.
What I'm finding highly amusing is how everyone seems terrified to use the term 'Grunge' to describe CUT, dancing all about without saying it when that is undoubtedly the largest element in their sound. Grow some fucking balls, limpwrists - you're rock critics - no one thinks you're cool anyway, whatta ya got to lose by being honest?
Anyway, these guys are the opening salvo, let's see how far it goes!